

Pretend your way through school and society. Appear calm, bright and attentive at all times. Shed light on the ugly lawn fabric prints of the season and the terror of the Daaish in the same breath, and somehow relate the two. Cover your ears with your hands if you have to, but do not give in to the horror of listening to the person sitting next to you. Never allow yourself to drown in a piece of art or music; discredit the artist and belittle his creations since nothing new is possible. Have strong opinions on all things imaginable and do not budge even an inch from your view point, lest your mind creaks open a little to entertain someone else’s perspective.

Carry on bullshitting. Don’t appear fazed or surprised if you hear something new today; there is nothing you do not know or couldn’t have predicted. The beauty of the sun setting or rising should not shut you down because a thing as repetitive as nature is romanticized only by idiots with too much time on their hands and too minute a life goal of happiness. You can’t afford to admit to your weaknesses, feelings, fears and mistakes unless you want to give an impression of being humane and not a super-human: all mind and no heart. Keep on acting forward in this stage-show called life.


10 comments on “Make-believe.

  1. Moniba says:

    😮 point taken well. That is… very effective. Very bitter, sarcasm at its best. Very…I-want-to-write-a-literary-analysis-of this!

  2. Khadija says:

    So true and Very well written I must say.. Stumbled upon it in my reader and I was like WOW!! You are truly blessed

  3. Lala Rukh says:

    I love this… really love this. Best sarcastic ugly-society’s-truth-revealing post with a furious tone.

  4. Meharunnisa says:

    I liked your style of writing! Keep it up! 🙂

  5. mohsinkwazir says:

    True 🙂 Hard hide from darkness yet difficult to expose to light

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